Usefull Calculation Examples
How many calories does a dog need?

Opinions about a dog's diet differ about as much as they do about political issues. Whether you reach for ready-made food, cook it yourself or serve only raw meat should be up to each dog owner. </pTopics: Animals, Pets, Animal Health
| Status: free to use
Cat diabetes food calculator

Calculate Koi food requirements, fish food calculator

What is the best koi food? In this pet food calculator, a calculation of the approximate feed requirement of your koi per day in grams takes place.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Japan Koi & Animals | Status: free to useCalculate size of dog transport box

Here you calculate the size of the transport box in relation to the dog for a new purchase.
Topics: Animals, Pets, Dogs, Logistics, Transporting | Status: free to useHow much space do my guinea pigs need?

Calculate how big your guinea pig enclosure should be optimally.
Topics: Animals, Pets, Rodents, Recreation, Pets Keeping, Hobbies | Status: free to useCalculator Koi weight estimate

With this tool, you estimate how heavy your koi is from the length of the koi and another factor.
Topics: Garden, Animals, Fish, Koi, Pond Technology, Pond Fishes | Status: free to useCalculator for dogs age

Correctly calculate with newest formula dog age over dog years in human years.
Topics: Animals, Dogs, Pets, Health, Animals Health | Status: free to useCalculate the required amount of terrarium substrate!

With this calculator you can easily and quickly calculate how many bags of substrate you need for your pool!
Topics: Animals & Tarraristics & Terrarium | Status: free to useestimate koi prices with koi value calculator

How valuable is my Koi really? Which Koi species cost how much? Online calculator to estimate the value of a Japan Koi.
Topics: Garden & Animals & Pond Technology | Status: free to useCalculation price calculator pond planning and pond costs

Cost and effort calculator in the construction of pond systems and koi ponds. Of course, the values are only indicative.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Animals | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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