
Automation Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice automation calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Calculation of industry conveyor belt systems

Calculate conveyor system, conveying system conveyor system design

Here, the design of a roller conveyor belt in industry or in the construction sector is calculated in a simplified way.

Topics: Industry, Machinery, Economy, Production, Transport, Automation, Special Machinery, Industrial Machines, Goods, Industrial Goods | Status: free to use

Save when comparing vacuum cleaner robots

Calculate ,  calculate robot vacuum cleaner prices

Here you enter the most important data for comparison and receive a calculation for the vacuum cleaner robots.

Topics: Household, Living, Robots, Homes Automation | Status: free to use

KfW repayment subsidy PV storage system

This calculator calculates the maximum subsidy amount for the expansion of a PV system with electricity storage or the new acquisition of a photovoltaic system with battery storage.

Topics: Photovoltaic, Homes Automation, PV, Electricity Storage, PV Storage, Store Electricity, Solar Energy, Energy | Status: free to use

Emergency Generator Fuel Consumption Calculator

Calculate generator emergency power, emergency generator fuel consumption calculation guide. generator power consumption calculation

Calculator for calculating diesel/gasoline consumption by an emergency generator.

Topics: Homes Automation, Electricity, Save Energy, Emergency, Technology | Status: free to use

Calculate consumption and costs for laundry dryer

Calculate ,  consumption calculator washer dryer

Online calculator to calculate the annual energy consumption and annual costs in EUR, taking into account the consumption per drying cycle with one filling.

Topics: Energy, Household, Electrical Appliances, Homes Automation | Status: free to use