Usefull Calculation Examples
Calculate cable cross section three-phase current

This cable calculator or three-phase current calculator is used to calculate the cable cross-section for three-phase current.
Topics: Electrical, Building Services, Physics, Cross-section Calculations, Industry | Status: free to useCalculate line cross section

Calculate cable and wire cross section with different variables.
Topics: Electrical Engineering, Electrics, Building Services, Physics, Cross-section Calculations, Industry | Status: free to useCalculate line cross section

Calculates for direct current, alternating current and three-phase current the wire cross-section for power cables in mm² for copper wires, aluminum wires, gold wires and silver wires.
Topics: Electrics, Electrical Engineering, Building Services, Construction, Engineers, Converter, Convert | Status: free to useConversion heating oil to pellets

Online calculator for calculating fuel oil consumption (fuel oil el) in wood pellets consumption (residual moisture e.g. 20%).
Topics: Energy, Building, Living, Heating Technology, Fuels | Status: free to useHeat demand calculation: design of a new heating system

Here you can roughly calculate your necessary heat requirement when purchasing a new heating system for an old or new building.
Topics: Energy & Building Services, Heating Technology, Heating Engineering | Status: free to useConversion gas to kWh

Tool to convert gas consumption (m³) to energy (kWh).
Topics: Building & Living, Converter, Energy, Household | Status: free to useCost calculator fireplace stove & pellet stove comparison

What are the costs of a stove with wood fuel compared to one with wood pellets fuel? For many, this is the all-important question when choosing the right wood heating system.
Topics: Building, Living, Interior Design, Heating, Heating Technology, Fuels, Homes, Heating Plant | Status: free to useGerman heating oil price calculator with price inquiry for a heating oil order

Price gabion cost

Price gabion
Topics: Building & Living, Gardening, Mauerm, Zune | Status: free to useRent calculator regular service charges settlement

Simple calculator for calculating the annual service charges when renting a building or apartment with a maximum of 5 units.
Topics: Building Technology, Economy, House, Real Estate, Renting, Tenant, Housing, Apartment | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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