
Conversion Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice conversion calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Calculate line cross section

Calculate wire calculation three phase current, wire calculation alternating current cable calculator

Calculates for direct current, alternating current and three-phase current the wire cross-section for power cables in mm² for copper wires, aluminum wires, gold wires and silver wires.

Topics: Electrics, Electrical Engineering, Building Services, Construction, Engineers, Converter, Convert | Status: free to use

Conversion consumption gasoline / diesel in kWh

Simple fuel online calculator to convert the gasoline consumption or diesel consumption of a normal vehicle in comparison (liters per 100 kilometers) to an electric vehicle / electric vehicle (kilowatt hours).Topics: Leisure & Hobby | Status: free to use

Calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees

Calculate Auxiliary Employees Vacation Entitlement, Employee Vacation Calculator Employee Vacation Entitlement

Here we offer an online calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees with different numbers of hours per week.

Topics: Economy, Vacation Calculator, Part-time Calculator, Personnel, Company, Personnel Planning | Status: free to use

Conversion heating oil to pellets

Calculate pellet cost calculator, wood pellets cost calculator cost pellets

Online calculator for calculating fuel oil consumption (fuel oil el) in wood pellets consumption (residual moisture e.g. 20%).

Topics: Energy, Building, Living, Heating Technology, Fuels | Status: free to use

Conversion gas to kWh

Calculate ,  convert gas consumption

Tool to convert gas consumption (m³) to energy (kWh).

Topics: Building & Living, Converter, Energy, Household | Status: free to use

Calculation of industry conveyor belt systems

Calculate conveyor system, conveying system conveyor system design

Here, the design of a roller conveyor belt in industry or in the construction sector is calculated in a simplified way.

Topics: Industry, Machinery, Economy, Production, Transport, Automation, Special Machinery, Industrial Machines, Goods, Industrial Goods | Status: free to use

Mesh calculator

Facilitates the conversion of knitting patternsTopics: Leisure & Hobby | Status: free to use

Current EUR/Bitcoin Converter

Calculate bitcoins, current bitcoin price bitcoin value

Calculator To calculate the current price of various digital cryptocurrencies. Here with focus on Bitcoin calculation.

Topics: Cryptocurrencies & Finance & Money & Investment & Bitcoin & Conversion | Status: free to use

Calculator for dogs age

Calculate dog calculator, dog converter how old is my dog

Correctly calculate with newest formula dog age over dog years in human years.

Topics: Animals, Dogs, Pets, Health, Animals Health | Status: free to use

Macronutrient distribution - carbohydrates

Calculate ,  calorie calculator

Formula for calculating the amount of carbohydrate

Topics: Health, Nutrition, Sport, Weight Loss, Converter | Status: free to use