
Energy Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice energy calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Conversion heating oil to pellets

Calculate pellet cost calculator, wood pellets cost calculator cost pellets

Online calculator for calculating fuel oil consumption (fuel oil el) in wood pellets consumption (residual moisture e.g. 20%).

Topics: Energy, Building, Living, Heating Technology, Fuels | Status: free to use

Heat demand calculation: design of a new heating system

Calculate heating renovation, calculate nominal heat output heating renovation

Here you can roughly calculate your necessary heat requirement when purchasing a new heating system for an old or new building.

Topics: Energy & Building Services, Heating Technology, Heating Engineering | Status: free to use

How much energy is needed to heat a pond?

Here, it is roughly calculated how much energy is required to heat a certain amount of water, e.g. for a garden pond. In addition, the corresponding costs are extrapolated.

Topics: Garden, Pond Technology, Pond | Status: free to use

Conversion gas to kWh

Calculate ,  convert gas consumption

Tool to convert gas consumption (m³) to energy (kWh).

Topics: Building & Living, Converter, Energy, Household | Status: free to use

German heating oil price calculator with price inquiry for a heating oil order

Calculate heating oil calculator, heating cost calculator suppliers heating oil
Calculate your heating costs for orders of heating oil with residual calculation.Topics: Building Services, Heating, Heating Technology, Heating Engineering, Fuels, Energy | Status: free to use

Heating cost savings with replacement heating pump

Calculate new circulating pump, pump heating cost pump heating

This is how much you save when buying a new circulation pump for your heating system.

Topics: Building, Living, Building Services, Housing, Energy, Energy Technology, Heating Technology | Status: free to use

U-value calculator for energy saving windows

U stands for the heat transfer coefficient; in the past, the value was also referred to as the k-value in the field of building physics.

Topics: Building & Living, Windows, Window Renovation, Window Construction, Window Calculation | Status: free to use

KfW repayment subsidy PV storage system

This calculator calculates the maximum subsidy amount for the expansion of a PV system with electricity storage or the new acquisition of a photovoltaic system with battery storage.

Topics: Photovoltaic, Homes Automation, PV, Electricity Storage, PV Storage, Store Electricity, Solar Energy, Energy | Status: free to use

Is PV worthwhile as a financial investment - profitability & amortization of photovoltaics

Calculate when is a PV system profitable, photvoltaic investments profitability PV system

PV profitability: comparison of photovoltaic system costs and yields then and now.

Topics: Building, Living, Photovoltaics, Energy Technology, Building Services, Investment, Finances, Assets, Profitability, Saving Money, Renewables | Status: free to use

Air conditioner calculation

Calculate calculate cooling load, calculator air conditioning cooling load calculator

Simple online calculator for air conditioning costs, air conditioner costs and consumption including air conditioning technology guide.

Topics: Building Services, Air Conditioning, Cooling, Ventilation, Building, Living, Homes, Technology, Heating, Power, Energy | Status: free to use

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