Usefull Calculation Examples
Calculate line cross section

Calculate cable and wire cross section with different variables.
Topics: Electrical Engineering, Electrics, Building Services, Physics, Cross-section Calculations, Industry | Status: free to useCalculate line cross section

Calculates for direct current, alternating current and three-phase current the wire cross-section for power cables in mm² for copper wires, aluminum wires, gold wires and silver wires.
Topics: Electrics, Electrical Engineering, Building Services, Construction, Engineers, Converter, Convert | Status: free to useHeat demand calculation: design of a new heating system

Here you can roughly calculate your necessary heat requirement when purchasing a new heating system for an old or new building.
Topics: Energy & Building Services, Heating Technology, Heating Engineering | Status: free to useSELZ ENGINEERING Duct calculation, ventilation calculator

German heating oil price calculator with price inquiry for a heating oil order

Calculation of snow load

How to calculate the snow load on normal roofs.
Topics: Building & Housing, Engineers, Science, Mathematics | Status: free to usePlastics Technology Calculator Industry Extrusion

Extruder or extrusion equipment in the industry should run reliably so that idle time or error time is avoided.
Topics: Business & Industry & Mechanical Engineering & Plastics Technology | Status: free to useSELZ ENGINEERING berschlagsmige heating load calculation

Calculate commercial electricity costs

Simple tariff calculator comparison for green electricity and natural gas tariffs for tradesmen and companies.
Topics: Economy & Power Engineering & Business & Electricity | Status: free to useCalculate air resistance force

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