Usefull Calculation Examples
Simple vitamin D requirement calculator

Since inhabitants in our latitudes no longer spend so much time outdoors, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the population. Here is calculated with what amount you compensate for the deficiency once or regularly.&aTopics: Health, Vitamins, Nutrition, Food Supplements
| Status: free to use
How many calories does a dog need?

Opinions about a dog's diet differ about as much as they do about political issues. Whether you reach for ready-made food, cook it yourself or serve only raw meat should be up to each dog owner. </pTopics: Animals, Pets, Animal Health
| Status: free to use
Cat diabetes food calculator

Calculate Koi food requirements, fish food calculator

What is the best koi food? In this pet food calculator, a calculation of the approximate feed requirement of your koi per day in grams takes place.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Japan Koi & Animals | Status: free to useProducing Costs of healthy tritan water bottles

Online calculator to calculate the cost of Tritan drinking bottles in the store.
Topics: Foods, Drinks, Bottles, Nutritions, Material, Plastics, Beverages, Manufacturer, Industry | Status: free to useFondant calculator: How much fondant for my cake?

Now quickly calculate how much fondant is needed for a cake.
Topics: Food & Cooking, Baking | Status: free to useThis is how much water we should be drinking: Your individual drinking needs

Drinking is important. Not only on hot days should we drink enough water, in general we should drink before our body signals this to us by feeling thirsty. But what is the right amount?
Topics: Health, Food & Drink | Status: free to useCalculate the fuel consumption for your trip on vacation

Calculate savings on canning

Calculate quite simply: Is home-cooked and canned tomato sauce cheaper than ready-bought?
Topics: Food & Cooking | Status: free to useCats BARF

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