Usefull Calculation Examples
Calculate income tax on Christmas bonus

This is how you calculate the deductions in your salary for your Christmas bonus.
Topics: Economy & Finance, Money, Taxes, Income | Status: free to useDiamond Price Per Carat Calculator | Diamond Valuation

Online diamond valuation calculator (diamond price calculator) with price indication from an estimate (4C).
Topics: Money, Finances, Investments, Capital Investments, Assets, Gemstones, Gold | Status: free to useCalculate gross salary after salary increase

Want to quickly figure out what your future gross salary would be based on your current salary?
Topics: Economy, Wage Costs, Net Wage, Personnel, Money | Status: free to useSimple Price Per Gram Gold Calculator

How to calculate your sales prices for self-made products

Earn money with handmade: With this calculator you can find out what selling prices are realistic for your handmade pieces.
Topics: Leisure, Hobby, Nhen, Bags Sale | Status: free to useHow much money to give as a wedding gift?

Calculate how much should be your creative cash gift for the bride and groom.
Topics: Gifts & Wedding & Money Gifts | Status: free to useE-car leasing calculator promotion

E-car premium: calculate electric car leasing costs here. Electric cars are being promoted, now even with a possible profit on electric car lease rates.
Topics: Vehicles, Cars, Mobility, Electric Cars, Saving, Driving, Hybrid Cars | Status: free to useCurrent EUR/Bitcoin Converter

Calculator To calculate the current price of various digital cryptocurrencies. Here with focus on Bitcoin calculation.
Topics: Cryptocurrencies & Finance & Money & Investment & Bitcoin & Conversion | Status: free to useSimple gold calculator or precious metal calculator

Here you can calculate current prices for gold, silver, platinum, palladium and copper, if you trade metals or buy or sell precious metals as a trader.
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