cheap heating with electricity, electricity heating cost, infrared heating cost calculator

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Object year of construction
Heating capacity per sqm Watt/sqm
Heated living space qm
Power consumption per watt Watt/kWh
Other incidental expenses EUR/year
Acquisition price EUR/per 100 Watt
Total heating capacity Watt
Total power consumption kWh
Electricity cost per year EUR/year
Total infrared heating costs (IR) EUR/year
Total acquisition cost fr power calculated above EUR

Table of Contents

Electric heaters

Many builders wonder which heating system they should install. There is a myriad of different systems. On the one hand there are conventional gas-oil heaters or heat pumps, on the other hand electric or infrared heaters. The latter do not have exactly the best lobby.

The reputation of expensive affordable energy still creeps behind the electric heaters. But times are changing. Oil or gas heating systems became visibly more expensive in the past months. There it is worthwhile itself straight now on electrical heatings to change over.

Infrarotheizung Auslegung berechnen und planenWith the electrical heatings and/or Infrarotheizungen there is in particular in the last years substantial progress regarding efficiency and consumption optimization. Infrared heaters are so-called radiant heaters. The efficiency here is much higher than with conventional heaters. The housing dimensions have also become much smaller.

These heaters can be easily installed anywhere, even where there is a lack of space.

Topics: building & Living & Heating

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