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A company can be founded in the legal form of a sole proprietorship or as a corporation. In the case of a sole proprietorship, the founder appears under his own name and is liable with all his assets. If at least two persons are involved, the company is a civil law partnership. Here, too, all are privately and unlimitedly liable.

To start with, a limited liability company can also be founded in the form of an entrepreneurial company. The share capital is only one euro, a standard partnership agreement, which is notarized, is sufficient. A small portion of the company's profits is set aside as share capital, so that ultimately this initial entrepreneurial company becomes a real GmbH.

The formation of an English limited company is not very advisable, since its advantages have been eclipsed by the recently possible entrepreneurial company. Moreover, its handling in practice is complex.

The business idea

A good business idea facilitates the establishment of a company. A business idea is about a service or a range of goods that a customer does not yet find on the market, at least not in this form. Often, gaps are discovered in an already existing offer that address the special wishes and requirements of certain customers and arouse their interest in buying.

The business idea alone is not enough to be successful. It must also be feasible. If capital is required, financing must be secured. A business plan should also be drawn up, outlining the organizational measures that will lead to commercial success.

Educational support for founders

The state promotes business start-ups. The local Chamber of Industry and Commerce can provide basic advice on business start-up issues. Unemployed persons with a claim to unemployment benefit I, which still exists for at least 90 days, can apply for a business start-up subsidy. As a rule, the prerequisite is the submission of an informative and convincing business plan. There is also a bridging allowance for the unemployed. Business start-up seminars are also offered, in which expert consultants provide tips and advice.

In a program for the promotion of technology-oriented start-ups, financial support is offered for technologically and economically risky development projects, independent of the industry. The possibilities are manifold and regularly require individual consultation. Consultation can be arranged through the IHK and is usually subsidized.

Another financing option is to involve a private investor. It is important to find a reputable partner. Offers that require upfront costs or inspection fees, or offers from abroad, are usually fraudulent.

The IHK can often help with contact material to serious prospective customers. Many offers can also be found on the Internet. So-called business angels can help with their expertise and contacts in business and bureaucracy. They are mediated by the IHK.

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