Optimal sales price determination and commercial calculation - Calculate Now
Calculate pricing easily on a percentage basis with the right tool
Do you operate dropshipping or your own online store? With the calculator "Pricing percentage simple" you can now easily calculate the individual selling price of your products (including purchase price, shipping costs as well as percentage markup on the goods). Under "purchase price" you simply enter the purchase price of your goods in €, also add the corresponding shipping costs and enter them under "shipping costs". Under "percentage markup" you enter any margin you would like to earn on the sale of a good.
The shipping costs entered and the percentage markup are then automatically added together by the calculator tool to the sales price of your goods and displayed in the lowest field "Sales price". A particular advantage of this tool is that the most important variables are taken into account and the approximate selling price of your goods can be calculated quickly and easily. You can also use this tool to find out whether a possible business model would be profitable for you, or what price you would have to charge for your goods. Since this is only a simple tool, however, no other variables are added to the calculation - it only serves as a small help for the beginning.
Calculation simple comparison about the price e.g. fr a comparison portal
Much more complex is the calculator "Calculation price comparison simple". It serves you as a calculator tool for your individual price comparison portal, which includes the prices of different providers and compares them with each other. Therefore, enter the different retailers of a product (from cheap to expensive) in the first three lines and select your desired approach under "pricing policy". You can choose between "lower price range", "average price range" and "upper price range".
Use this to find out in which price range you can sell your products in comparison to the competition, or which suppliers offer suitable products within which price range. The corresponding shipping costs can also be added to the calculation. The tool then determines under "Lower selling price" and "Upper selling price" the lower, respectively upper price limits for the respective product in comparison to other suppliers or among the possible suppliers.
Calculation based on costs - the calculator tool par excellence for your online store
The free calculator tool 'Calculation based on costs' is used for the contribution margin calculation of your web store. Enter your actual fixed costs in the first line. In line 2 you have to enter the variable costs of your inventory (or unit costs) in € per unit. In line 3 you enter the number of products in your stock. The tool now calculates the value of your inventory in line 4 and your individual total costs in line 5.
This results in line 6 finally in the corresponding coverage factor of your company, which indicates the share of the revenue of your products, which is necessary to cover your fixed costs. In line 7 you can again add an individual cost markup (in percent) to your calculation. Based on your entries, line 8 then results in the calculated sales price of your products. This results in line 9 in the turnover achieved by the sale of all products in stock and in line 10 in the profit generated by this. This calculation tool is thus very comprehensive, but unfortunately ignores tax aspects.
Markup calculation easy - calculation based on markups on your products
With the free calculator tool markup calculation simple, on the one hand the sales price of your products and on the other hand the total turnover of your company can be calculated very easily. This tool is therefore particularly suitable for the manufacturing industry. In line 1, you must first enter the cost of materials per unit in euros - this value indicates how much a unit of quantity of your products will cost you to manufacture or purchase. In line 2, the number of products in your warehouse must be entered.
In order to find the best individual sales price, you must enter a corresponding markup rate in percent in line 3 - this includes all other costs incurred by your company in the distribution of the products as well as your individual profit margin. In line 4, the tool now calculates the best possible selling price of your products completely independently, and in line 5 it indicates the total revenue from the sale of all the products in your warehouse. This calculation tool is perfectly suitable for surcharge calculations on a smaller scale, where the possible unit costs are already known.
Overhead calculation for more complex production operations
For a backward view of your costing calculation, you can use the free calculation tool Overhead Costing. It is particularly suitable for more complex production companies whose key figures are already known and can be used for the calculation. The tool is divided into the columns "Variant 1" and "Variant 2" and therefore allows two calculations at the same time - e.g. different products or the same products with different prerequisites.
To use the overhead calculation tool, the following parameters must be available: production costs, material overhead, production wages, production overhead, special direct costs of production, administrative overhead, sales overhead as well as special direct costs of sales, profit overhead in percent, cash discount in percent, discount in percent and number of products. Accordingly, the tool allows you to calculate the corresponding material costs, production costs, manufacturing costs as well as the cost of goods sold, the cash selling price, an individual offer price, a target selling price as well as the final total revenue when selling your entire inventory. However, potential customer bonuses, tax aspects as well as other surcharges cannot be included in the calculation here.
Use the forward costing tool to calculate the individual sales prices of your production facility
The forward costing tool allows you to reconcile the list purchase price with the list sales price. It also allows you to perform a purchase price calculation, a cost price calculation and a sales price calculation in particular. It consists of two columns, in the left column percentage values can be entered, which the tool automatically converts into Euro values in the right column. Starting with the supplier's offer price (including potential bonuses), the corresponding target purchase price can be calculated here. In the next step, the cash purchase price and the cost price can be calculated.
With these key figures, the tool allows the cost of goods sold to be determined in the next step, which in turn serve as the basis for calculating the cash selling price at a later point (with the inclusion of a profit markup).
In the further course of the calculations with the help of the forward calculation tool, the target sales price, the net sales price and the gross sales price can also be calculated. As a result, the tool displays the calculation markup and the trade margin in percent after successfully calculating the aforementioned key figures.
Using the free backward calculation tool to calculate the ideal list purchase price
Compared to forward costing, the goal of backward costing is to calculate the list purchase price based on the list sales price. However, calculative components here are also trade costs, profit as well as potential customer discounts, cash discounts and various surcharges as well as tax aspects. The Backward Calculation tool therefore starts with the gross sales price and proceeds in the reverse order to the Forward Calculation tool.
First, therefore, the net sales price, the target sales price as well as the cash sales price and the cost of goods sold of the product are calculated. Subsequently, the journey continues via the key figures cost price, cash purchase price as well as target purchase price up to the respective offer price of the supplier, which marks the list purchase price.
This tool is ideal for companies that already have a sales market and its key figures, but now also want to search for suitable sources of supply for their raw materials.
Differential costing as a combination of forward and backward costing
The free calculator tool Difference Calculation offers a combination of forward and backward calculation tool, because here the cost of goods sold (starting from the gross purchase price at the supplier) is calculated forward and the cash sales price (starting from the gross sales price) is calculated backward. The difference calculation is therefore particularly suitable for production companies that operate in markets in which purchase and sales prices of raw materials, or finished products are predetermined and yet the expected profit is to be calculated on the basis of the known data. First, the supplier's bid price as well as discounts, bonuses and shortage surcharges must be known in order to calculate the target purchase price.
In the next step, the cash purchase price is calculated, taking into account cash discounts. This in turn allows the calculation of the cost price, which can be used to calculate the cost price, cash selling price and target selling price.
Finally, the tool calculates the net sales price and the gross sales price based on the difference calculation.
Use the free contribution margin tool to calculate the operating result
The contribution margin calculation tool is ideal for companies that want to show the impact of the sale of a product or an asset on the coverage of fixed costs. The basis for this are the key figures net sales revenue, variable costs and fixed costs. The corresponding values must be entered into the free calculator tool. Two calculation methods are available here - "Scenario 1" and "Scenario 2".
Taking the above key figures into account, the tool then calculates the contribution margin and the operating result before taxes (also known as "EBIT" for short), but unfortunately does not include any interest calculation and tax aspects and other costs that would be necessary for full cost accounting.
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