More net salary through lower taxes - Calculate Now
Now more net from the gross - optimize your own salary thanks to the free gross-net salary calculator.
With the help of the free gross-net salary calculator, you can easily optimize your own net salary based on various criteria. For this purpose, the individual gross salary is first consulted, which must be entered into the practical calculator tool.
Using various selection criteria, such as the corresponding tax bracket, the respective federal state as well as whether or not church tax is payable and also whether potential child allowances apply, the possible net salary can be optimized without any problems. Provided that all relevant information has been entered into the calculator tool by the user, the program performs a complete and fully automated optimization of the net salary in question when the "Calculate savings" button is pressed.
Often, taking into account a few points in the subsequent income tax return, it is possible to save a few hundred to a thousand euros in income tax payable each year - this applies to employees as well as the self-employed and freelancers.
This is the way to calculate your better and new gross salary after a salary increase.
This is how the tax optimization via the gross-net-salary optimizer works
Based on the information left under "Your entries", the free calculator tool will optimize your individual net salary completely automatically. The program is based on empirical values, which usually result in an average salary optimization under the conditions that match your entries. Thus, under "Optimized net salary & savings" in the field "Net salary before optimization" you will find out the amount of your current net salary.
In the field "Net wage after optimization" you will find out the amount of your potential net wage after the salary optimization. The difference between the optimized net wage and your current net wage is the result of your individual salary optimization and is displayed in the "Estimated savings" field.
A saving happens for you in the form that you have to pay less income tax on your corresponding gross salary. You will then be reimbursed for these overpaid income tax contributions as part of an income tax return. Possibilities arise here, for example, in the exact review of your individual income-related expenses as well as other tax aspects such as spouse splitting, etc.
100 percent free and non-binding advice via the gross-net-salary calculator
How you can realize the possible tax savings, which our free and non-binding salary optimization tool shows you, that you will learn personally from our team of independent tax optimizers. In order to realize your individual tax optimization, you only have to enter your contact details in the contact form attached to the salary optimizer.
You can use this form to request information free of charge from our tax consultant partners, who will also be happy to provide you with a non-binding quote for the preparation of your income tax return. In addition, we will be happy to provide you with advice and support via the contact form and will be happy to send you all relevant information by e-mail or call you back if necessary.
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