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Direct current or alternating current - the difference and areas of application
Electrical power is the product of voltage and current. Depending on how electrical energy is generated, there is alternating current and voltage as well as direct current and voltage. Alternating current is common in households, whereas direct current is used in cars. Battery-operated devices need direct current, if it concerns the drive of engines, then alternating current is needed.
If an electric pump is to be connected to the car far from the public power grid, then it is first necessary to convert direct current into alternating current, which is what an inverter is used for. The photovoltaic system on the roof generates energy in the form of direct current. If this energy is to be fed into the power grid, then it must first be converted, it must be adapted to the power grid.
Use of an inverter
Depending on the planned use of an inverter, there are different types. An uninterruptible power supply is needed in hospitals; during operations or in intensive care units, a power failure can have fatal consequences.
Such a power supply is also used in a computer center, where the power supply of the computers is secured for a short time by capacitors. During normal operation, accumulators are recharged, and the charge is maintained by special charge termination devices. If the power fails, after a few thousandths of a second the inverter powered by the charged accumulators takes over the power supply. The fully automatic power supply comes into effect so quickly that one notices only by the indicator lights that the supply has been switched from the public grid to self-supply.
Inverter for solar systems or solar modules
For the conversion to alternating current in a solar system, there are different inverters, depending on the type and size of the system. A single photovoltaic module can have a module inverter, while a central in verter is used in a control cabinet that is responsible for an entire solar system. Modern inverters achieve an efficiency of more than 98%, almost no energy is lost.
Inverters also for stand-alone solutions?
Stand-alone solutions are used to supply power far away from the public grid. It does not matter where the generated direct current comes from, inverters ensure that even on a mountain hut a power supply is possible whose quality is in no way inferior to the public networks.
The cost of inverters for solar systems is about 7% to 13% of the total cost, and these costs are fully included in the government subsidies.
Inverter cost example: for a three kilowatt system that costs about 20,000 euros, the cost of the inverters is therefore about 2,000 euros.
There are over 80 companies that manufacture inverters, and the number of dealers is correspondingly larger. It can therefore be seen that there is a large market and that many companies feel they have a good chance of making a profit. Especially the market for inverters in the field of private or public power generation is very large, here it is worthwhile to compare the suppliers for reasons of the quality of what is offered and the price.
What makes a competent inverter store?
A competent inverter store has the necessary experience to provide customers with the best possible advice. He works with the manufacturers who, from experience, offer the best quality inverters at the lowest prices. If a home is to be equipped with a solar system, they provide comprehensive advice, this includes arranging government subsidies to build and operate an environmentally conscious energy supply system with the most suitable inverters in each case.
For companies, they offer inverter leasing models to improve liquidity. The tax deductibility of inverters as a business investment also offers considerable savings potential. An optimal inverter store is a competent partner when it comes to the highest quality with the lowest possible financial investment.
Topics: building & living, building services, electrics, electricity, photovoltaics