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Facade renovation with scaffolding
The facade is the dress of the house and it is the first impression people get of a house. But the facade has not only a visual function. It also protects the masonry underneath from damage caused by weather conditions. Since the facade is permanently exposed to these, its renovation is necessary at regular intervals.
The renovation of the facade consists of several steps. The facade of the house is usually covered with plaster and/or paint. In some places it is peeling or crumbling. Loose areas must be removed so that newly applied material will hold. Crumbling plaster and peeling paint, along with dirt, can be removed with a pressure washer.
Cleaning the facade on the scaffolding
Sandblasting is even better. For both types of cleaning, however, the following applies: First try out on an inconspicuous area whether the facade can tolerate this treatment at all. Finally, chemical cleaning agents can be used. When using these, they must be removed completely so that residues do not affect the new coating.
Once dirt and other disturbing elements have been removed from the facade, the next step in the facade renovation is taken. Now new plaster is applied. Which plaster is the right one depends on the masonry. It is not uncommon for this to show great differences, which in turn can lead to unexpected problems. Cracks in the plaster are almost inevitable.
If different materials are used, plaster with a high elasticity and relaxation capacity should be used. Its properties reduce the formation of cracks. Another remedy is the application of pre-spray mortar under the plaster. The plaster requires a certain drying time. How long this is depends on the product used and the thickness of the plaster. After drying, painting with facade paint is possible.
Renovate facade yourself
If you want to take on the challenge of renovating a facade yourself, there are a few things to consider in advance. Firstly, a distinction must be made between painted and unpainted facades. Then, it matters whether the facade is intact or not. If the facade is damaged, the masonry underneath must be checked. Accordingly, it is necessary to do a good preliminary work, so that the undertaking will be a success.
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