Toilet paper calculator: How much toilet paper do you need? - Calculate Now
How to plan your toilet paper consumption
Despite the current debate about plastic, for the sake of the environment you should also keep an eye on your individual paper consumption. Statistically, Germans consume around 15 kilograms of toilet paper per capita and year. Although most of this is recyclable paper, the production of toilet paper creates a large global demand for pulp, which is made from the raw material wood.
Conversely, more wood is required, which means more trees are lost to the production of pulp. To protect the environment and your wallet, we have developed a practical toilet paper cost calculator that you can use to calculate your individual toilet paper requirements.
How much toilet paper you need on average or how long your toilet paper supply lasts
According to a study by the Industrial Association for Personal Hygiene, Germans use around 57 sheets of toilet paper per visit to the toilet and thus around 20,000 sheets of toilet paper per year, which corresponds to around 135 rolls. This puts the Germans in the lead in Europe, with consumption around 15 percent higher than the rest of the EU population.
Germans prefer to use 3-ply toilet paper, closely followed by 4-ply toilet paper. However, consumption itself is highly dependent on the individual household: A single household, for example, uses less toilet paper per year than a family of 5.
Calculation and consumption for private consumers and for companies
Our free toilet paper cost calculator is suitable for both private consumers and commercial users and can therefore be used to create an individual household plan as well as for budgeting for companies. As an example calculation we have taken the following constellation as a basis:
A family of 5 would like to calculate their monthly or annual costs for toilet paper. On average, around 50 sheets are used per person per visit to the toilet, or each person in the household goes to the toilet around 5 times a day. With a packaging size of 10 rolls of 250 sheets per roll and a price of 3.89 euros per packaging unit, this results in monthly costs of 58.35 euros, or annual costs of 700.20 euros.
As you can see, the above example alone reveals an enormous cost pool with a large potential for saving WC paper. For companies, of course, this approach applies on a larger scale - often the annual consumption of toilet paper for SMEs tends to be in the range of several tens of thousands of euros!
Where to find the most cost-effective and pleasant toilet paper
Cheap toilet paper you can buy as a potential private consumer, especially in online mail order, as well as in remnant stores. In the cheapest case, you can get toilet paper here for about 18 to 25 cents per roll. However, companies can buy even cheaper - especially in wholesale, toilet paper is sometimes available for 10 to 15 cents per roll. Compared to the average discounter or supermarket price, this alone represents a saving of around 60 percent!
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