Calculate hotel occupancy - Calculate Now
Anyone who works in the hotel and tourism industry knows how tricky it can sometimes be to find out exactly how busy and therefore profitable one's own hotel, guesthouse, hostel or bed & breakfast actually is.
Calculate hotel profitability by occupancy
If you want to have an exact overview of the success of your hotel, it is helpful to get information about the hotel occupancy rate, i.e. how well and strongly the hotel and the rooms are occupied. The basis of such a calculation are the available rooms (or in case of a hostel or youth hostel the available beds). These are then multiplied by the opening days per year of the company. As a second basis, the actual overnight stays of the year are multiplied by 100; this gives the actual capacity. These two values form the basis. The next step is to divide the actual capacity by the total capacity of the company. Thus one receives as result the actual extent of utilization of the hotel, Hostel and CO in per cent; also as frequency designated.
Simply calculate the occupancy rate of the guesthouse
The principle seems simple, but can sometimes lead to number chaos and confusion. Therefore one looks best at past. Here one finds an outstanding on-line and Webtool, which relieves one of the heavy task of multiplying, dividing and three-sentence. Thus, one is always on the safe side with the personal hotel occupancy calculation and the determined frequency, because it is mathematically correct and error-free; as long as the inputs are correct.
The hotel calculation on the computer
The homepage has a simple structure and is limited to the presentation of the essential elements. Thus, one cannot get lost in an overflow of information. Structure and principle are simple: The input fields are labeled (number of rooms, open days, occupied rooms) and have a green frame. To the right of the input fields is an information icon that, when clicked, opens a small window with information in which a short 'definition' is given. This serves for orientation. Next to the three main input fields are the fields 'max. rooms per year' and 'utilization in %'. These, kept in the red frame, are not to be filled out, since they represent the result to be calculated, after input of the facts. The list is completed with the 'Calculate' button. If this is clicked, the page changes and the result is displayed. In this way, you get an overview of the frequency and occupancy of your hotel in no time at all.
Topics: economy, Gastronomy, Hotels, holidays, vacations, Company, Business, Living, Tourism