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Comparison costs for electric cars fuel consumption with gasoline car and diesel vehicle - Calculate Now




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RWE Elektrotankstelle Zapfsule StromtankstelleIt is now impossible to imagine the motor vehicle market without electric and hybrid vehicles. While fully electric vehicles are powered exclusively by a battery, hybrid vehicles use at least two different drive technologies, such as an electric battery and a gasoline or diesel engine.

The development of these vehicle types is aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and thus protecting the environment.

On the other hand, the focus with these drive technologies is on dispensing with conventional fuels such as gasoline or diesel as far as possible.

In this respect, it is foreseeable that the development of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles will progress in leaps and bounds in the future.

Here you will find a simplified diagram of the structure of an electric car:

Simplified Construction parts of on E-Car for Schools

Here you can find the above electric vehicle picture unfilled for schools to practice (free download).

Simplified Construction parts template of on E-Car for Schools

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