Sand calculator: How much sand for sandbox? - Calculate Now
This is why sandboxes are so popular with children
Whether self-built or purchased, whether made of wood or plastic, whether square, round or shaped in an imaginative way: sandboxes are very popular with children. It's where the best sand cakes are baked, long trenches or tunnels are dug, sand castles or towers are built, shoveling, digging and haggling over every free shovel.
A sandbox is not only popular, but also educationally valuable
Anyone who owns or is allowed to use a garden should not miss the opportunity this spring or summer to set up a sandbox for their children, because children not only have great fun playing in the sand, but also learn a great deal in the process: spatial thinking is trained as well as imagination and social behavior while digging. Besides, the children get healthy, fresh air and the time flies by, so that mom and dad can just sit and relax, watch their children and enjoy a coffee or a cool drink.
Here's what you should look for when building your sandbox
The only thing you should take care of is shade and sun protection, enough to drink for the little builders and of course sand toys, although sturdy plastic kitchenware (plates, cups, jugs, spoons, etc.) is also suitable for the sandbox. So, what are you waiting for? A sandbox is built quickly and will give your children pleasure for a long time. Now quickly calculate how much sand is needed, and you're ready to go!
What sand should you use?
As a concerned parent, you don't just buy any sand, of course, but inform yourself in advance exactly about the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of sand. Not only the texture plays a major role, but also any impurities or additives. First and foremost, the sand should be dimensionally stable, dust-free, free of impurities and sharp edges, and contain no harmful additives. Finally, the sand should neither pose a risk of injury nor a health risk.
Calculate the required amount with the sand calculator
At the hardware store, you can find already filled bags of play sand that should meet these criteria. But in many cases, it might also make sense to contact a local building materials dealer and have the sand delivered directly, especially if larger quantities are needed.
Topics: garden, leisure, garden toys, sandbox