
Rate Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice rate calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Simple Price Per Gram Gold Calculator

Calculate current rate gold, gold bar value buying prices gold
With this price calculator for gold or scrap gold you can query current gold prices and calculate possible purchase prices and sales prices for your gold.Topics: Finances, Gold Calculator, Jewelry, Wealth, Money, Stocks, Metals, Investment | Status: free to use

Cat diabetes food calculator

For the calculation of carbohydrates in wet or dry feed specification in % in dry matter (KH % i.Tr.) Suitable feeds should have less than 10% KH.Topics: Animals, Pets, Cats | Status: free to use

E-car leasing calculator promotion

Calculate electric car leasing, e-car leasing electric car leasing

E-car premium: calculate electric car leasing costs here. Electric cars are being promoted, now even with a possible profit on electric car lease rates.

Topics: Vehicles, Cars, Mobility, Electric Cars, Saving, Driving, Hybrid Cars | Status: free to use

Current EUR/Bitcoin Converter

Calculate bitcoins, current bitcoin price bitcoin value

Calculator To calculate the current price of various digital cryptocurrencies. Here with focus on Bitcoin calculation.

Topics: Cryptocurrencies & Finance & Money & Investment & Bitcoin & Conversion | Status: free to use

Simply calculate calorie requirements

Calculate simple calorie calculation, nutrient calculator nutrient calculator

Selected online calculators on the topics: Nutrient distribution, calorie density, basal metabolic rate, calorie requirements.

Topics: Health, Basal Metabolic Rate, Lose Weight, Fitness | Status: free to use

Save money on turnkey solid house

Calculate building cost solid house,  cost to build stone house

The favorable interest rates enable construction financing at top conditions. In addition, a lot of money can be saved if certain aspects are taken into account when building a house. Find out how you can build at a particularly favorable rate.&aTopics: Building & Living & Real Estate | Status: free to use

How much money to invest monthly, up to one million Dollar?

Calculate When will I reach 1 million EUR, When will I be a millionaire Period save 1 million
What amount do I have to invest each month until I have saved amount X after a certain term, assuming an (unchanging) interest rate?Topics: Money, Finances, Investments, Interests, Assets, Financial Investment | Status: free to use

Job reference generator tool for personnel evaluations

Calculate zeignis employee templates, employee reference templates create employee reference

Generator to create a simple job reference with coded ratings or how to create simple employee references with our handy job reference generator tool now especially fast and uncomplicated.

Topics: Company, Business, Business, Self-employed, Companies, Human Resources, Personnel | Status: free to use

Calculate the required amount of terrarium substrate!

Calculate calculator, diplopoda millipede

With this calculator you can easily and quickly calculate how many bags of substrate you need for your pool!

Topics: Animals & Tarraristics & Terrarium | Status: free to use

Lead Magnet Funnel Calculator | Sales Funnel Optimization Test

Calculate effective sales controlling, perfect sales control calculate leads

Is your site optimized to generate countless customer inquiries via clickfunnels? Take the funnel test.

Topics: Economy, Marketing, Sales, Online Marketing, Internet, Stores, Customer Analysis, Controlling | Status: free to use