Usefull Calculation Examples
Cat diabetes food calculator

Calculation of industry conveyor belt systems

Here, the design of a roller conveyor belt in industry or in the construction sector is calculated in a simplified way.
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Here you can find the optimized price calculation of a muesli pack of a muesli trader especially for founders.
Topics: Trade & Commerce, Economy | Status: free to useJob reference generator tool for personnel evaluations

Generator to create a simple job reference with coded ratings or how to create simple employee references with our handy job reference generator tool now especially fast and uncomplicated.
Topics: Company, Business, Business, Self-employed, Companies, Human Resources, Personnel | Status: free to useestimate koi prices with koi value calculator

How valuable is my Koi really? Which Koi species cost how much? Online calculator to estimate the value of a Japan Koi.
Topics: Garden & Animals & Pond Technology | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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Industry Machinery Economy Production Transport Automation Special machinery Industrial machines Goods Industrial goods...