
Transport Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice transport calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Price calculator transport costs for forwarders & couriers

Calculation of delivery costs for truck freight delivery including distance calculation.

Topics: Economy, Freight Costs, Delivery Costs | Status: free to use

Calculation of industry conveyor belt systems

Calculate conveyor system, conveying system conveyor system design

Here, the design of a roller conveyor belt in industry or in the construction sector is calculated in a simplified way.

Topics: Industry, Machinery, Economy, Production, Transport, Automation, Special Machinery, Industrial Machines, Goods, Industrial Goods | Status: free to use

Calculate size of dog transport box

Calculate calculate dog sizes,  dog transport

Here you calculate the size of the transport box in relation to the dog for a new purchase.

Topics: Animals, Pets, Dogs, Logistics, Transporting | Status: free to use

U-value calculator for energy saving windows

U stands for the heat transfer coefficient; in the past, the value was also referred to as the k-value in the field of building physics.

Topics: Building & Living, Windows, Window Renovation, Window Construction, Window Calculation | Status: free to use

Postage calculator costs DHL shipping ber Post

Simple postage calculator for Germany-wide (nationwide) parcel shipping or Päckenversand via the German Post including additional service costs.

Topics: Business, Shipping, Logistics, Marketing, Transportation | Status: free to use

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