
Value Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice value calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Diamond Price Per Carat Calculator | Diamond Valuation

Calculate diamond calculator, current diamond prices diamond prices

Online diamond valuation calculator (diamond price calculator) with price indication from an estimate (4C).

Topics: Money, Finances, Investments, Capital Investments, Assets, Gemstones, Gold | Status: free to use

Simple Price Per Gram Gold Calculator

Calculate current rate gold, gold bar value buying prices gold
With this price calculator for gold or scrap gold you can query current gold prices and calculate possible purchase prices and sales prices for your gold.Topics: Finances, Gold Calculator, Jewelry, Wealth, Money, Stocks, Metals, Investment | Status: free to use

SELZ ENGINEERING Duct calculation, ventilation calculator

Air duct calculation as an aid to the design of ventilation ducts.Attention this design aid does not replace a basic planning of a ventilation system and the values are without guarantee.The ratio of both duct lengths should not be greater than 1:4.Topics: Technique, Ventilation System, Design Ventilation | Status: free to use

Current EUR/Bitcoin Converter

Calculate bitcoins, current bitcoin price bitcoin value

Calculator To calculate the current price of various digital cryptocurrencies. Here with focus on Bitcoin calculation.

Topics: Cryptocurrencies & Finance & Money & Investment & Bitcoin & Conversion | Status: free to use

U-value calculator for energy saving windows

U stands for the heat transfer coefficient; in the past, the value was also referred to as the k-value in the field of building physics.

Topics: Building & Living, Windows, Window Renovation, Window Construction, Window Calculation | Status: free to use

Calculate Intrinsic Share Values Instantly With our Calculators

Calculate Net asset value, financial analysis of assets intrinsic value gold
The intrinsic value of a stock (intrinsic value) is an indication, according to Benjamin Graham, of what you would get if you sold a company's stock at the current price. This value can be calculated using a number of factors, including the current price, dividend yield, and earnings per share. Topics: Finances, Money, Assets, Shares, Securities, Stock Market, Stocks, Capital, Companies, Analysis, Markets | Status: free to use

Simply calculate calorie requirements

Calculate simple calorie calculation, nutrient calculator nutrient calculator

Selected online calculators on the topics: Nutrient distribution, calorie density, basal metabolic rate, calorie requirements.

Topics: Health, Basal Metabolic Rate, Lose Weight, Fitness | Status: free to use

BMI calculator, online calculation of BMI value

Calculation of body mass index in relation to weight and height for men and women.Topics: Health | Status: free to use

estimate koi prices with koi value calculator

Calculate price list japan koi,  koi cost calculator

How valuable is my Koi really? Which Koi species cost how much? Online calculator to estimate the value of a Japan Koi.

Topics: Garden & Animals & Pond Technology | Status: free to use

Calculation price calculator pond planning and pond costs

Calculate stream, watercourse construction pond cost calculation

Cost and effort calculator in the construction of pond systems and koi ponds. Of course, the values are only indicative.

Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Animals | Status: free to use