Usefull Calculation Examples
Diaper calculator for diaper cost and diaper voucher

How many diapers does my child need per month? Cost calculator for baby diapers in comparison (without cloth diapers).
Topics: Children, Family, Health, Babies, Toddlers, Hygiene, Costs Calculator | Status: free to useSand calculator: How much sand for sandbox?

When it gets warmer outside, even the little ones are drawn outdoors again. The sandbox in particular is a favorite place in the garden for many children. But exactly how much sand do you need? With this calculator you can find outTopics: Garden, Leisure, Garden Toys, Sandbox
| Status: free to use
How many balls for ball pool on 1st birthday?

Now quickly calculate the number of balls needed for the ball pool. Plus: lots of great gift ideas for the first birthday.
Topics: Celebration, Children, Toys, Playing, Leisure, Babys, Fun | Status: free to useSun protection factor: Calculate duration of action for sun protection

How many minutes can I stay in the sun with my sunscreen? Find out easily here:
Topics: Health, Children, Care, Cosmetics, Skin Care | Status: free to useSSW Calculator Pregnancy and Birth

The calculator calculates the possible date of delivery during pregnancy (SWW calculator). And since you are always asked as a pregnant woman, with which gifts you can make her a joy, you will find here also a few niceTopics: Children, Health, Family, Baby
| Status: free to use
Calculate cost advent calendar filling

Calculate the necessary budget for your Advent calendar filling. Plus 100 creative tips for your Advent calendar.
Topics: Leisure, Celebration, Christmas, Gifts, Give Away, Gift Ideas | Status: free to useWhich is better - the Toniebox or the Tigerbox?

Digital audio boxes for children are absolutely trendy. Thanks to their ease of use, they allow even young children to listen to their favorite songs and audio games. Most children's rooms are no longer equipped with the colorful unTopics: Leisure, Games, Children, Toys, Gifts, Christmas, Music, Children Songs, MP3, Tonibox
| Status: free to use
Pool calculator: how much water fits in my pool?

Quickly calculate the amount of water in your pool and the resulting water costs.
Topics: Leisure, Toys, Children, Sports, Swimming, Garden, Water | Status: free to useCalculate subsidy construction child benefit 2020, 2019

The grand coalition recently decided on it: The Baukindergeld 2019 or 2020 is to be paid to families who have built or bought a property retroactively since Jan. 1, 2018, provided that certain income limits have beenTopics: Building, Housing, Children, Families, Social, Grant, Zuschsse
| Status: free to use
When will my child start school?

The deadline for enrollment in elementary school varies from state to state. Use our online calculator to find out when your child will start school.
Topics: Education & School & Learning & Children & Raising | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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