Usefull Calculation Examples
Simple vitamin D requirement calculator

Since inhabitants in our latitudes no longer spend so much time outdoors, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the population. Here is calculated with what amount you compensate for the deficiency once or regularly.&aTopics: Health, Vitamins, Nutrition, Food Supplements
| Status: free to use
How many calories does a dog need?

Opinions about a dog's diet differ about as much as they do about political issues. Whether you reach for ready-made food, cook it yourself or serve only raw meat should be up to each dog owner. </pTopics: Animals, Pets, Animal Health
| Status: free to use
Toilet paper calculator: How much toilet paper do you need?

New toilet paper calculator to calculate toilet paper consumption, now new, calculate stock.
Topics: Cleanling, Hygiene, Consumables, Bathroom, Cleaning, Health | Status: free to useCare cost calculator 2020, 2019, 2018

As of 01.01.2017 (for 2018, 2019, 2020), a new concept of need for long-term care and thus also the New Assessment (NBA) - was introduced in long-term care insurance.
Topics: Social Affairs, Health, Care, Care Costs, Care For The Elderly | Status: free to useEyelash lengthening with serum or 3D eyelashes

Calculate your options for eyelash extensions with eyelash serum or the 3D/2D procedure depending on the current eyelash length.
Topics: Beauty & Health | Status: free to useDiaper calculator for diaper cost and diaper voucher

How many diapers does my child need per month? Cost calculator for baby diapers in comparison (without cloth diapers).
Topics: Children, Family, Health, Babies, Toddlers, Hygiene, Costs Calculator | Status: free to useSun protection factor: Calculate duration of action for sun protection

How many minutes can I stay in the sun with my sunscreen? Find out easily here:
Topics: Health, Children, Care, Cosmetics, Skin Care | Status: free to useSSW Calculator Pregnancy and Birth

The calculator calculates the possible date of delivery during pregnancy (SWW calculator). And since you are always asked as a pregnant woman, with which gifts you can make her a joy, you will find here also a few niceTopics: Children, Health, Family, Baby
| Status: free to use
Simply calculate calorie requirements

Selected online calculators on the topics: Nutrient distribution, calorie density, basal metabolic rate, calorie requirements.
Topics: Health, Basal Metabolic Rate, Lose Weight, Fitness | Status: free to useProducing Costs of healthy tritan water bottles

Online calculator to calculate the cost of Tritan drinking bottles in the store.
Topics: Foods, Drinks, Bottles, Nutritions, Material, Plastics, Beverages, Manufacturer, Industry | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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