Usefull Calculation Examples
Am I being bullied and what can I do?

The bullying test to check whether bullying is present at work or rather not, including a recommendation for action.
Topics: Economy, Company, Psychology, Employees, Personnel, Complaints | Status: free to useSeverance Payments: German Severance Amounts Calculator

Calculate your job termination severance online and use templates for termination letters, severance letters, "job terminated" advice texts, etc.
Topics: Economy, Money, Jobs, Finances, Profession, Law, Companies, Income | Status: free to useChild Benefit Calculator 2020

In June 2018, the German Cabinet approved the draft of the Family Relief Act. The new law provided for increased tax allowances and a child benefit increase for 2019 and 2020.
Topics: Families & Social Affairs & Finances & Children, Child Benefit Supplement | Status: free to useCalculation of shares capital increase for companies