Am I being bullied and what can I do? - Calculate Now
Mobbing analysis: How do I find out if I am being bullied?
Mobbing at the workplace shows many faces: whether whispering or gossiping behind one's own back or that of a colleague, whether controlling boss or discrediting one's own work management - in any case, mobbing can make you ill or permanently worsen your attitude to work. Since many mobbing victims are consequently rarely aware of their victim role, everyday reprisals and unpleasant situations should first be written down by the potential mobbing victim and evaluated in the next step. This works, for example, with the helpful bullying analysis tool of the free bullying calculator, which will be described in more detail in the following sections.
Structure and logic behind our online bullying test
For the calculation of the corresponding bullying tendency at your workplace, the bullying calculator includes a variety of key figures such as company-specific information, geographical data, as well as information about yourself - which, however, is treated strictly anonymously and confidentially. Other items needed to calculate the bullying tendency at your workplace are "Possible bullying actions", which have already been listed in the bullying calculator. The number of points to be entered here on the one hand provides information about the intensity of the applicable mobbing act - the weighting, on the other hand, includes the individual weighting of such incidents in the calculation. From the resulting total score, the mobbing calculator then independently calculates the respective score, which can be assigned to a corresponding tendency for mobbing at your workplace.
When can mobbing be present - examples of mobbing according to Wolmerath and Esser
According to the behavior experts Wolmerath and Esser, who discuss and analyze numerous mobbing variants and situations in their guidebook, the following cases can already be called mobbing and must be punished accordingly and entered into the mobbing calculator:
- physical & psychological attacks on your work performance or that of a colleague
- Questioning of your employment relationship or that of a colleague
- Inciting the workforce against you or another colleague
- Attacks on your social standing, self-esteem or that of your individual origin or that of a colleague
- Creation of fear, horror or disgust
- Violation of data protection and privacy
- Failure to help
Guidance: How you should respond to potential bullying
In principle, you should free yourself from your victim role and take countermeasures, insofar as this is possible. Therefore, bullying in the workplace should definitely be reported to your supervisor. For example, the boss is subject to the duty of care under labor law towards the respective employee. This must consequently put an immediate stop to the mobber - e.g. in the form of warnings or termination without notice. The potential mobbing victims themselves should also take sides and not become passive.
Here are three different mobbing strategies to choose from:
- ignore
- attack
- retreat
If you ignore the possible mobbing attacks, then you thwart the plan of your mobber in any case, because you show him the cold shoulder and do not let yourself be attacked by him personally. If you decide on the other hand for an attack on the mobber, then you look for yourselves best potential allies in your colleague circle and place you the mobber in this to the speech - if necessary you request the support of the work council. Finally, the alternative is to terminate your employment relationship or to take legal action through a lawyer.
The score of the mobbing calculator calculates the tendency to mobbing in your work environment.
The total score, which is made up of your individual entries in the bullying calculator, provides information about the potential presence of bullying in your workplace. The lower the total score, the lower the tendency for bullying to occur in your workplace - so you may be able to live with a low total score. However, if the total score is high, you may be experiencing actual bullying in your workplace, and you should take action to address it using the options above.
Improve the functionality and usability of the bullying test with individual comments
By entering your own ideas and impressions in the comment function of the free and anonymous bullying calculator, you can actively contribute to its improvement. Simply include personal tips and experiences as well as individual bullying situations that you may have already experienced and thus indirectly ensure an improved working atmosphere for other users of the online bullying analysis tool.
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