This is what a pediatrician earns from vaccinating - Calculate Now

Number of newborn babies and babies to be vaccinated per year
Number of pediatricians in Germany
Number of newborn children per pediatrician (average)
Award for the first 3 6-fold vaccinations (in the first year of life)
Verification for the first MMRV vaccination (in the first year of life)
Verification for the three pneumococcal vaccinations (in the first year of life)
Verification for the two Rota vaccinations (in the first year of life)
Award for the first year of immunization of a child
Meningococcal (C) immunization for a child (2 years of age)
Verification for the second MMRV vaccination (in the second year of life)
Verification for the fourth 6-fold vaccination (in the second year of life)
Award for the second year of immunization of a child
Total vaccination for immunization of a child according to STIKO
Turnover from vaccinations per pediatrician in the 1st year
Turnover from vaccinations per pediatrician in the 2nd year

Table of Contents

Vaccination is a highly controversial topic among parents. Anyone who brings up the word vaccination in parents' forums can expect to have started an emotionally charged debate that often ends in hardened fronts on both sides. The opponents of vaccination accuse the pharmaceutical industry of pursuing only the goal of earning money with vaccines that do not work anyway and make people ill. It is spoken of covered up inoculation damage, a large conspiracy and poisonous contents materials. Vaccination advocates, as well as (most) pediatricians, counter that it is only thanks to vaccinations that diseases such as polio, diphtheria, and measles have been nearly eradicated, that vaccinations are now among the best proven and safest methods to effectively prevent the eradication of certain diseases. Pediatricians are often accused of making vaccination recommendations purely out of greed for money and of being part of the big pharmaceutical conspiracy. Now, of course, the question for the layperson is how much money a pediatrician must make to consider it worthwhile to be part of such a "conspiracy." How much profit does a pediatrician collect per vaccination? The remuneration for single and combination vaccines can be taken from the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) and thus it is easy to understand how much money can be earned with a child vaccinated according to STIKO. Our online calculator is based on the vaccinations recommended by the STIKO. Of course, the number of children to be vaccinated per pediatrician can only be average values. Sources:

Topics: health & Social & Families

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