Usefull Calculation Examples
How much energy is needed to heat a pond?

Here, it is roughly calculated how much energy is required to heat a certain amount of water, e.g. for a garden pond. In addition, the corresponding costs are extrapolated.
Topics: Garden, Pond Technology, Pond | Status: free to useCalculate Koi food requirements, fish food calculator

What is the best koi food? In this pet food calculator, a calculation of the approximate feed requirement of your koi per day in grams takes place.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Japan Koi & Animals | Status: free to useHow to calculate the CO2 content in the pond

Pond construction pond liners calculator

Online calculator to calculate the necessary pond liner quantity of a new garden pond as well as the total cost of the required pond liner according to given sqm price.
Topics: Building & Living, Garden, Horticulture, Pond Technology | Status: free to useCalculator for the design of the pond pump in the garden pond

This tool roughly calculates the necessary pond pump size over the circulation cycles.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Garden Pond & Building | Status: free to useCalculate optimal pond filter performance

Small tool to calculate the possible pond filter capacity for a garden pond or a swimming pond.
Topics: Garden & Pond & Pond Technology | Status: free to useCalculator Koi weight estimate

With this tool, you estimate how heavy your koi is from the length of the koi and another factor.
Topics: Garden, Animals, Fish, Koi, Pond Technology, Pond Fishes | Status: free to useCost calculator pond renovation and pond repair

Estimate the potential cost of replacing or repairing your backyard pond here.
Topics: Building & Garden & Pond Technology | Status: free to useestimate koi prices with koi value calculator

How valuable is my Koi really? Which Koi species cost how much? Online calculator to estimate the value of a Japan Koi.
Topics: Garden & Animals & Pond Technology | Status: free to useCalculation price calculator pond planning and pond costs

Cost and effort calculator in the construction of pond systems and koi ponds. Of course, the values are only indicative.
Topics: Garden & Pond Technology & Animals | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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