
Sale Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice sale calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Diamond Price Per Carat Calculator | Diamond Valuation

Calculate diamond calculator, current diamond prices diamond prices

Online diamond valuation calculator (diamond price calculator) with price indication from an estimate (4C).

Topics: Money, Finances, Investments, Capital Investments, Assets, Gemstones, Gold | Status: free to use

Optimal sales price determination and commercial calculation

Calculate easy product pricing, find selling price for product optimal product pricing

Online calculator with several alternatives and examples to determine the best selling price.

Topics: Economy, Pricing, Distribution, Pricing Policy, Trade Prices | Status: free to use

Simple Price Per Gram Gold Calculator

Calculate current rate gold, gold bar value buying prices gold
With this price calculator for gold or scrap gold you can query current gold prices and calculate possible purchase prices and sales prices for your gold.Topics: Finances, Gold Calculator, Jewelry, Wealth, Money, Stocks, Metals, Investment | Status: free to use

How to calculate your sales prices for self-made products

Calculate nh cost pricing, price calculation handmade calculate self prices

Earn money with handmade: With this calculator you can find out what selling prices are realistic for your handmade pieces.

Topics: Leisure, Hobby, Nhen, Bags Sale | Status: free to use

EU Alcohol Tax Calculator

Calculate liquor tax calculator, liquor taxes eu calculate alcohol tax eu

Here you can calculate the alcohol tax on spirits or high-proof spirits for countries in the EU area. This includes vodka, grain, brandy, whisky, rum and similar products.

Topics: Taxes, Alcohol, Forgiveness, Finance, Company, Beverages, Industry, Europe, Import, Export, Trading, Sales | Status: free to use

Lead Magnet Funnel Calculator | Sales Funnel Optimization Test

Calculate effective sales controlling, perfect sales control calculate leads

Is your site optimized to generate countless customer inquiries via clickfunnels? Take the funnel test.

Topics: Economy, Marketing, Sales, Online Marketing, Internet, Stores, Customer Analysis, Controlling | Status: free to use

Sparkling wine calculator taxes, sparkling wine taxes

Calculate tax sparkling wine Germany,  sparkling wine tax
These excise taxes are included in a bottle of sparkling wine. Calculates the applicable sparkling wine tax per sales unit in Germany when importing sparkling wine.Topics: Taxes, Finances, Beverages, Trading, Import, Germany, Industry, Distribution, Alcohol, Retail, Gastronomy, Hotel Industry | Status: free to use

Is your site optimized to generate many inquiries via Clickfunnels? Take the test and calculate the costs.

Topics: Business, Marketing, Sales, Online Marketing, Internet, Shops, Customer Analysis, Controlling | Status: free to use