
Living Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice living calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Conversion heating oil to pellets

Calculate pellet cost calculator, wood pellets cost calculator cost pellets

Online calculator for calculating fuel oil consumption (fuel oil el) in wood pellets consumption (residual moisture e.g. 20%).

Topics: Energy, Building, Living, Heating Technology, Fuels | Status: free to use

Conversion gas to kWh

Calculate ,  convert gas consumption

Tool to convert gas consumption (m³) to energy (kWh).

Topics: Building & Living, Converter, Energy, Household | Status: free to use

Cost calculator fireplace stove & pellet stove comparison

Calculate Stove cost calculator,  Which wood heating fireplace

What are the costs of a stove with wood fuel compared to one with wood pellets fuel? For many, this is the all-important question when choosing the right wood heating system.

Topics: Building, Living, Interior Design, Heating, Heating Technology, Fuels, Homes, Heating Plant | Status: free to use

Save when comparing vacuum cleaner robots

Calculate ,  calculate robot vacuum cleaner prices

Here you enter the most important data for comparison and receive a calculation for the vacuum cleaner robots.

Topics: Household, Living, Robots, Homes Automation | Status: free to use

Price gabion cost

no photo

Price gabion

Topics: Building & Living, Gardening, Mauerm, Zune | Status: free to use

Calculate hotel occupancy

Calculate occupancy room pensions,  room occupancy calculate

This tool calculates the maximum occupancy for a given number of rented rooms per year.

Topics: Economy, Gastronomy, Hotels, Holidays, Vacations, Company, Business, Living, Tourism | Status: free to use

Calculate PV inverter sizing

Calculate how many solar inverters per PV system, inverter power comparison Gre inverter calculation

Here you can calculate the generator power and the voltage range of a photovoltaic inverter.

Topics: Building & Living, Building Services, Electrics, Electricity, Photovoltaics | Status: free to use

Pond construction pond liners calculator

Calculate how much liner for pond,  how much liner for garden pond

Online calculator to calculate the necessary pond liner quantity of a new garden pond as well as the total cost of the required pond liner according to given sqm price.

Topics: Building & Living, Garden, Horticulture, Pond Technology | Status: free to use

Online calculator wallpaper

Calculate how much wallpaper calculator, how many wallpapers calculation wallpaper calculation

Online calculator for calculating the necessary amount of wallpaper rolls in linear meters depending on the wall surface to be wallpapered. Calculated with the standard wallpaper width of 53cm. This factor is given but is also&Topics: Building & Living, Interior Design | Status: free to use

Heating cost savings with replacement heating pump

Calculate new circulating pump, pump heating cost pump heating

This is how much you save when buying a new circulation pump for your heating system.

Topics: Building, Living, Building Services, Housing, Energy, Energy Technology, Heating Technology | Status: free to use

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Energy Building Heating technology Fuels Building Garden Horticulture Pond technology Building Energy Lighting Save electricity Building Interior design...