Usefull Calculation Examples
Heat demand calculation: design of a new heating system

Here you can roughly calculate your necessary heat requirement when purchasing a new heating system for an old or new building.
Topics: Energy & Building Services, Heating Technology, Heating Engineering | Status: free to useCalculation of industry conveyor belt systems

Here, the design of a roller conveyor belt in industry or in the construction sector is calculated in a simplified way.
Topics: Industry, Machinery, Economy, Production, Transport, Automation, Special Machinery, Industrial Machines, Goods, Industrial Goods | Status: free to useSELZ ENGINEERING Duct calculation, ventilation calculator

Cost calculator fireplace stove & pellet stove comparison

What are the costs of a stove with wood fuel compared to one with wood pellets fuel? For many, this is the all-important question when choosing the right wood heating system.
Topics: Building, Living, Interior Design, Heating, Heating Technology, Fuels, Homes, Heating Plant | Status: free to useCalculate PV inverter sizing

Here you can calculate the generator power and the voltage range of a photovoltaic inverter.
Topics: Building & Living, Building Services, Electrics, Electricity, Photovoltaics | Status: free to useHeating cost savings with replacement heating pump

This is how much you save when buying a new circulation pump for your heating system.
Topics: Building, Living, Building Services, Housing, Energy, Energy Technology, Heating Technology | Status: free to useKfW repayment subsidy PV storage system

This calculator calculates the maximum subsidy amount for the expansion of a PV system with electricity storage or the new acquisition of a photovoltaic system with battery storage.
Topics: Photovoltaic, Homes Automation, PV, Electricity Storage, PV Storage, Store Electricity, Solar Energy, Energy | Status: free to useIs PV worthwhile as a financial investment - profitability & amortization of photovoltaics

PV profitability: comparison of photovoltaic system costs and yields then and now.
Topics: Building, Living, Photovoltaics, Energy Technology, Building Services, Investment, Finances, Assets, Profitability, Saving Money, Renewables | Status: free to useCalculate cost infrared heating

Small calculation tool for calculating the design of an infrared heating system or power heating or also called electric heating.
Topics: Building & Living & Heating | Status: free to useAir conditioner calculation

Simple online calculator for air conditioning costs, air conditioner costs and consumption including air conditioning technology guide.
Topics: Building Services, Air Conditioning, Cooling, Ventilation, Building, Living, Homes, Technology, Heating, Power, Energy | Status: free to useSpecial Technical Solutions
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