
Companies Calculator Examples

Here you find some nice companies calculator examples you can build with this free calculator tool. Some technical/template features are only in Pro-Package available.

Usefull Calculation Examples

Conversion consumption gasoline / diesel in kWh

Simple fuel online calculator to convert the gasoline consumption or diesel consumption of a normal vehicle in comparison (liters per 100 kilometers) to an electric vehicle / electric vehicle (kilowatt hours).Topics: Leisure & Hobby | Status: free to use

Calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees

Calculate Auxiliary Employees Vacation Entitlement, Employee Vacation Calculator Employee Vacation Entitlement

Here we offer an online calculator for calculating vacation entitlement for part-time employees with different numbers of hours per week.

Topics: Economy, Vacation Calculator, Part-time Calculator, Personnel, Company, Personnel Planning | Status: free to use

Cost calculator fireplace stove & pellet stove comparison

Calculate Stove cost calculator,  Which wood heating fireplace

What are the costs of a stove with wood fuel compared to one with wood pellets fuel? For many, this is the all-important question when choosing the right wood heating system.

Topics: Building, Living, Interior Design, Heating, Heating Technology, Fuels, Homes, Heating Plant | Status: free to use

Save when comparing vacuum cleaner robots

Calculate ,  calculate robot vacuum cleaner prices

Here you enter the most important data for comparison and receive a calculation for the vacuum cleaner robots.

Topics: Household, Living, Robots, Homes Automation | Status: free to use

German heating oil price calculator with price inquiry for a heating oil order

Calculate heating oil calculator, heating cost calculator suppliers heating oil
Calculate your heating costs for orders of heating oil with residual calculation.Topics: Building Services, Heating, Heating Technology, Heating Engineering, Fuels, Energy | Status: free to use

Comparison costs for electric cars fuel consumption with gasoline car and diesel vehicle

Calculate e-car calculator, e-vehicle calculator comparison electric diesel

With this e-car economy calculator, you can calculate the purchase costs and consumption costs for an e-vehicle compared to a normal gasoline car or diesel car.

Topics: Mobility, Vehicles, Cars, Electric, Mobility | Status: free to use

EU Alcohol Tax Calculator

Calculate liquor tax calculator, liquor taxes eu calculate alcohol tax eu

Here you can calculate the alcohol tax on spirits or high-proof spirits for countries in the EU area. This includes vodka, grain, brandy, whisky, rum and similar products.

Topics: Taxes, Alcohol, Forgiveness, Finance, Company, Beverages, Industry, Europe, Import, Export, Trading, Sales | Status: free to use

Cleaning cost calculator for building cleaning

Calculate cleaning calculator, basic cleaning professional cleaning

Online calculator cleaning companies: cost calculation of cleaning costs in the field of office cleaning, interior cleaning, staircase cleaning, household cleaning, path cleaning and janitorial service.

Topics: House, Business, Self-employed, Cleaning, Household Services, Cleaning Costs, Costs Calculator | Status: free to use

Calculate hotel occupancy

Calculate occupancy room pensions,  room occupancy calculate

This tool calculates the maximum occupancy for a given number of rented rooms per year.

Topics: Economy, Gastronomy, Hotels, Holidays, Vacations, Company, Business, Living, Tourism | Status: free to use

MEGA calculator: costs company foundation

Calculate company formation costs AG, company formation costs KG company formation costs

Calculation of the costs of setting up a company in different variations and different company forms.

Topics: Economy, Business, Finance, Business Planning, Trade | Status: free to use